At the risk of sounding like a UPS commercial, I love logistics. I spend a disturbing amount of time crafting extensive travel itineraries in my head that will probably never be realized (THOUGH THEY SHOULD BE). Career option: travel agent? Unlikely.
Right now I'm trying to plan a trip to California for a good friend's wedding, and am making it way more complicated than it needs to be!

Yeah... so far the plan includes a plane trip, a shuttle trip, a road trip, a train trip, several cable car trips (!!!! god), and, finally, another plane trip. While overthinking things and doing extensive research on minutiae (I really need a vacation) I found the
cutest hotel ever. Seriously, look at it. It's also built specifically for me: "Our gaming suites come equipped with PlayStation 3, Wii, bean bag chairs, and a 6-foot LCD projection screen." 6 feet, you guys, s-i-x. And there are murals by an artist named
Heisuke Kitazawa, whose stuff looks really cool.

Well that's all, back to carefully reading train schedules!