

I Cannot Even Speak To You About How Cute My Parents' New Dog Is I'm Reduced To Typing In This Way.

Like, really, look at that face. She is so cute and shy. I die. I am a poet. Really, it's deeply unfair that something can be this cute. Her name is BELLE BECAUSE SHE IS BEAUTIFUL AND BECAUSE MY DAD REALLY LIKES BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.

Huff, huff, anyway, so, I just finished Jane Eyre and it was amazing, ridiculously amazing, Charlotte Brontë have all my babies. Maybe my favorite book ever, for real. Pretty sure Jane Eyre is my role model for life. I<3JE

Now I'm reading The House of Mirth (which I just wrote as The Mouse of Hirth, thanks, I'll be here all night). Also amazing so far. Historical ladies, I love you all.


YES... YES!!

"Now, along with previous years’ winners of Dolphin Trainer, Chef, and Pet Vet, the disproportionate, iconic blond will be designing buildings right along side all those other disproportionate blond icons, like Frank Gehry or Zaha Hadid." I--- yes.

Those black (wedge?!) heels, the black rimmed glasses, the geometrical cuff, the tiny polly pocket dream home, yes yes yes. And I just saw the HARD HAT.

Also, I'm famous now (there's a cute cat at that link, if you need encouragement).


drunk cats

I can't believe Achewood is being put on permanent hiatus. Even though I haven't read it in months, I feel like a big part of my adolescence is DEAD. Or in like cryogenic freeze tubes? It informed so much of my thinking, for example w/r/t fedoras, West Virginia, oregon trail, social services, and going around calling people "dogg" for like 6 years. (Sorry.) And, maybe most importantly, fonts:

Also check out my friend Amanda's new store, Long Arm Press!! She has super long arms!! And is really talented! Wingspan of an eagle!!


New apartment!

Goin' for a little minimalism up in here.

Sorry for terrible camera pictures.


dress lust

My friend KT recently spent an evening at my house helping me to FIGURE OUT MY LIFE. This mostly involved getting rid of a good chunk of my wardrobe. I feel cleansed! Giving all that crap I got at salvation army and never wore back to salvation army is really therapeutic! Ahh! Um, but, yes, I got rid of some weird things, things that didn't fit, unflattering things-- it was great. KT is a great shopping/closet-cleaning buddy because she is completely frank and honest when something is hideous. I even got rid of some cardigans (this is a big step).

So the last thing I need is more dresses, but I came across this dress and it is really gorgeous and perfect and is luckily $350 dollars so I'll never buy it.



At the risk of sounding like a UPS commercial, I love logistics. I spend a disturbing amount of time crafting extensive travel itineraries in my head that will probably never be realized (THOUGH THEY SHOULD BE). Career option: travel agent? Unlikely.

Right now I'm trying to plan a trip to California for a good friend's wedding, and am making it way more complicated than it needs to be!

Yeah... so far the plan includes a plane trip, a shuttle trip, a road trip, a train trip, several cable car trips (!!!! god), and, finally, another plane trip. While overthinking things and doing extensive research on minutiae (I really need a vacation) I found the cutest hotel ever. Seriously, look at it. It's also built specifically for me: "Our gaming suites come equipped with PlayStation 3, Wii, bean bag chairs, and a 6-foot LCD projection screen." 6 feet, you guys, s-i-x. And there are murals by an artist named Heisuke Kitazawa, whose stuff looks really cool.

Heisuke Kitazawa

Well that's all, back to carefully reading train schedules!



Hi. I have no idea what I'm going to use this for. Maybe some arts! And talking about useless things I try not to annoy people with too much in person but think about all the time, like puppies, bad sci-fi and how much I want to have a polygamous marriage with Donald Glover and Danny Pudi.